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Knowledge Quest - Published bimonthly from September through June by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association  - a peer-reviewed journal offering substantive information to assist building-level library media specialists, supervisors, library educators, and other decision-makers concerned with the development of school library media programs and services.

Knowledge Quest Journal - American Association of School Librarians

A School Librarian's Purpose

September / October 2022
LiLittle, H. B. (2022). A School Librarian's Purpose. Knowledge Quest, 51(1), 10+. 

"Hannah Byrd Little asks readers to consider the tension between our dearest values and changing world in “A School Librarian’s Purpose.” S.R. Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science are a succinct and elegant summation of the purpose of libraries, according to Little. His Fifth Law still rings true nearly one hundred years later, and is arguably the most important: “A library is a growing organism”" - Iris Eichenlaub

Media Literacy a Moving TargetLink)

Knowledge Quest Journal - American Association of School Librarians

September / October 2018 

With ever-changing technologies and the prevalence of news delivered through social media, news media literacy can seem like a moving target.  Learn techniques from a librarian pushing the social media envelope and an experienced journalist now journalism professor.  Be inspired to critically read news and spot quality responsible journalism regardless of the format. 

Prove It! Putting together the evidence-based practice puzzle(Link)

Knowledge Quest Journal - American Association of School Librarians  [pp. 63-67]

January 2015  - Why is it important to prove that school libraries add value to the school program? Can the school library profession prove that school libraries are indispensable for a 21st-century education even though the information is only a few clicks away? How can researchers and practitioners provide strong evidence to support their claims? What are the critical questions? Where is the evidence?

Blog Articles

  • Help the Teachers Teach

    • American Writers author study collection
      How to help the willing co-teachers There are many ways to help classroom teachers, but the ultimate has to be a co-teaching situation. In my experience, teaching research and library skills in a vacuum is not effective. Students may learn… Read More ›

    A Peek into the Future School Library

    • Summer Reflection During the school year, I focus my time almost completely on curriculum, collaboration with faculty, and working directly with students. But during the summer I turn my focus on the immediate future of my library space and the… Read More ›

    School Librarians Missing at Private and Charter Schools

    • School Librarians in 2011 and 2015
      A Private School Librarian I am a private school librarian. There is a tendency to think that those who attend private school are wealthy and elite. However, I have seen a very different picture in my current school. We charge… Read More ›

    Information Bias

    • Brother screenshot March 8
      Bias: Left, Right, Center, Fringe, and Citing Snapchat Several months ago a colleague pointed out a graphic depicting where news fell in terms of political bias. On the chart, the prominent news outlets were placed as right-leaning, 

    News or Not

    • Fake News and K-12 Information Literacy: Following the November 2016 Presidential election, there was great concern about fake news on Facebook and in Google searches. And then, in what seemed to be perfect timing, a Stanford group released the study “Evaluating Information:… 

  • Jobs of the Future

    How school librarians can prepare students for jobs that don’t yet exist: What If? I often wish that I could see into the future so that I could prepare students for the next great thing. However, my MLIS degree did… 
  • Curation and Pathfinders

    The Back-to-School Goal and the Conversation That Ensued At my school, we are having a long overdue conversation about types of  library materials and the organization of library materials (print versus electronic… Dewey or Don’t we, etc.). This conversation began… 
  • Survey the Students

  • Survey Graphic
    Why Survey Students: Maybe you administer a student survey every year, or maybe you have never surveyed your students. With all of the evaluation systems required by programs like “Race To the Top,” etc. and with every state setting different guidelines for librarian evaluation,… 
  • The Organized Librarian Mind

      Overwhelmed Librarian Mind As school librarians we are all in need of a 25th hour in our day.  School librarians are the librarians who “do it all.”  We are the reference desk, the collection development office, the computer lab…

  • The Capstone Project

  • UniversityInstruction
    The School Librarian’s Role in the Capstone Project: 5 Ws and H of the Capstone Project. WHY? With the current generation the number one question when we introduce the capstone project is “WHY?”  “Why do we have to do this?”  When… 
  • The School Library as The Third Place

  • Lattes in the Library
    Looking at the school library as a third place for students, parents, and faculty For over eight years we have developed a Learning Commons environment for our library. One of the big things that we investigated in the planning stages,… Read More ›
  • Three short months: the college transition

    Should school librarians prepare students for the college transition? You are probably very familiar with the American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) Standards for the 21st-Century Learner published in 2009.  However, unless you work at a University, you may not be familiar… 
  • Learning Commons: Theory to practice

    Defining and comparing Learning Commons, Maker Space, and Media Center How do we ensure that we are being truly innovative, and not just following industry fads?  I am occasionally seen as cutting edge or “an early adopter” when it comes… 

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