Do you have Google Paranoia?
Do you have Google Paranoia?
Earlier this school year I read Dave Eggers' book "The Circle". This book was essentially about the inner-workings of a company similar to Google. Later this year, I watched a silly Vince Vaughn comedy about two "older guys" [my age] who decided to compete for a coveted Google Internship. While watching the movie I had several flashbacks to Eggers' book. I have also included a neat informational article about the actual "GooglePlex" and editorial article from the Huffington Post regarding the discussion of Transparency versus Privacy by author Don Tapscott. For fun, I am throwing in something to listen to while you are reading and watching.
- The Circle by Dave Eggers [fiction book] “A vivid, roaring dissent to the companies that have coaxed us to disgorge every thought and action onto the Web . . . Carries the potential to change how the world views its addicted, compliant thrall to all things digital. If you work in Silicon Valley, or just care about what goes on there, you need to pay attention.” —Dennis K. Berman, The Wall Street Journal
- Googleplex How Stuff Works [non-fiction article]
- Why Transparency and Privacy Should Go Hand in Hand - Huffington Post article 2010 by Don Tapscott author of Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation
- Google Auto-complete Poem [Google poetry article]
- The Internship (2013) 119 min - Comedy - 7 June 2013 (USA) Two salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital age find their way into a coveted internship at Google, where they must compete with a group of young, tech-savvy geniuses for a shot at employment
- LISTEN: Somebody's watching me by Rockwell