Primary Research for the Senior Project
The Next Step in the Senior Project
Research Methodology [Primary Research - Survey, Interview, Test, Experiment, Case Study, Contrast/Comparison, Project Journal, Internship]
Findings/Data/Results [explanation of results includes the use of Tables, Photos, and Maps]
Ideas for Primary Research
- Following Twitter Feeds or Blogs - journaling your impressions
- Starting a Twitter Feed or blog about your topic
- Keeping a research journal
- Interview an Expert/Professional face to face, Skype, OR via email
- Survey a group
- Statistical survey
- Video Journal an experience
- Experiment
- Contrast/Comparison
- Internship
- Shadow an expert [in person or online]
- Questionnaires
3 examples of primary research from last year:
- Student to conducted primary research by interviewing NCAA officials and coaches through e-mail
- Student found research about how visuals in advertising provoked a neurological response. She conducted an experiment with a sample of students, using product art with textual clues removed.
- Student researched the overall response to and feasibility of e-texts. He surveyed parents, students, and faculty about this change. He also conducted interviews with people at similar schools about their move to electronic textbooks.