What did Grandma and Grandpa Read
Grandparents Day

Here are some grandparents comments from this year and past years:
"I do not know if you will be able to come up with one or any of these books…they really go back a long time. One favorite was Roald Dahl’s Danny, the Champion of the World. " Jack Morrison
(Grandfather to Harry, Truman, and Bess Zumwalt)
Thank you Hannah, this is a very nice idea. Wanda Newby (Grandmother of Joshua Sizemore)
Grandfather – Gentry Newby - Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn
Grandmother – Wanda Newby – Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities
Well, that's a hard question but I think the answer is "To Kill A Mockingbird". I read a lot in those days as my father always gave me a book of the month as a Christmas present!
Meredith S S Smith, grandmother of Meredith E Miller
Pops liked "The Hardy Boys "books by Franklin W. Dixon. Gran loved reading "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White. Grandparent's of Jackson Watson.
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