Digital Footprint and Online Safety/Privacy
I couldn't attend this summer's TASL programming, but I found lots of great ideas on the TASL e-list [listerv] about Digital Citizenship education.
This bulletin board looked really cool, so I tried to use some of the ideas. I also found the materials from Queensland Government to have really eye-catching graphics with memorable statistics and tips about Digital footprint.
This program asked important questions like
How well do you know your friends online? Do you 'friend' strangers? Do you upload pictures of yourself? Do you 'Google' yourself?
With younger teens we have to address privacy and safety as well as online reputation. With online reputation I place emphasis on THINK before you post.
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With privacy and safety, I briefly explain CIPA and COPA. The kids appreciate knowing the why behind the age restrictions and fine print. Common Sense Media has a great Digital Citizenship curriculum.
Finally, here are a couple of videos that might help.
Do you really have a private life online? (social network privacy loss due to friends)
Digital footprints | Michelle Clark | TEDxHollywood
This video is a little scary, but might get kid's attention about online safety [if nothing else, they will be worried their crazy parents might be on the other end ]
The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment)
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