Choosing a Topic for the Capstone Project

Our Senior Capstone Project was introduced to our students this month.

First we explained "Why" we do this project.

To answer the question "Why?"  --
With the Junior Project, students began to explore their passions and creativity.  We want them to continue this work by contemplating the question "On whose shoulders are you standing?"    
  • Although it is important to create works of your own, it is equally important to realize and research the works of others.  Even Isaac Newton acknowledged "if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
  • Another critical purpose of the Senior [capstone] project is college preparation 

Our next step in the project is choosing a topic through lots and lots of  'pre-search.'

Here are some YouTube videos we watched last week:
Choosing a Topic 
Picking Your Topic IS Research! 3 minutes 10 seconds- 
Developing a Research Topic 2 minutes 44 seconds 
Doing Background Checks on Your Research  2 minutes 18 seconds  - 

Sources for Presearch 
Using Wikipedia for Academic Research (CLIP)  3 minutes 36 seconds

Next week, the topics will be due and then we will have two weeks to refine the topics before we visit a University Library.  Thanks to Mary Ellen Sloane and Christy Groves at MTSU's Walker Library for planning an orientation to the Library’s website, services, collections, and resources, as well as a brief walking tour of the building.  

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