Struggling with Change and the Genre/Dewey hybrid model

"The struggle is real?"

I keep halting the process of migrating to a Genre/Dewey hybrid model to "think."
I think about:
  • Access
  • Curriculum
  • Shelving
  • Generational differences between faculty, students, and other community members
  • Browsing
I tend to be very good at making decisions. However, this process has been very slow for me, not because I am worried about making the wrong decision, but because the task is simply overwhelming.  My collection is large.  I wonder if my library collection is too large to make these sweeping changes.  My other concern is the transition to college and my students preparation for college.  Our process so far is that we are keeping Dewey numbers but pulling things together with signage and labels.

I am considering signage that includes the Dewey call numbers and the corresponding Library of Congress class.  This way we will introduce or expose students to multiple classification systems.

Topic further Reading

Reorganizing Non-fiction: A Dewey Hybrid Model
Deweying It My Way
Are Dewey’s Days Numbered?: Libraries Nationwide Are Ditching the Old Classification System


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