Physical and Virtual Curation

Here are some of the things we are doing online and offline in order to curate information for students and teachers. 

Collection Arrangement 

We are pulling together fiction, non-fiction, graphic fiction, and biographies for American authors.

We are making the Library user-friendly, and encouraging independence by having easy-access, self-service areas.
We added Library of Congress to our signage to introduce students to different classification systems 
We are keeping Dewey but adding a clear blue cover to help students find American Lit and help with shelving the books

We used our giant Poe poster to identify American Lit

QR codes are added for eBooks and LibGuides

Shakespeare has his own Dewey, but we made a prominent place for the Bard in our Library.

Fun Facts:
The Webb Connection

William Shakespeare was related to our founders Sawney and John Webb

1st cousin 9x removed     

Shakespeare’s Grandmother 
Mary Webb  was the founders' 9th great grandmother 

Shakespeare’s Mother 
Mary Arden  the founders' 8th great grand aunt 

Webb / Shakespeare Connection
Bust of Shakespeare to Identify the section

Graphic Versions of the Shakespeare Plays


 For research projects, we are creating both displays and online "pathfinders" with LibGuides.


Book Finders

 Some teachers prefer hardcopy books and we have made "book finders" with Lib Guides


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